Best way to recharge your iPhone for battery health. Full guide.

The goal of this article is to make you charge your iPhone the best way possible and of course bunk a few myths as well and make your battery last much much longer.

 Today let’s talk about iPhone charging how should you charge your iPhone?

 There’s a lot to cover here like for example how often should I charge my iPhone or for how many hours or even what power breaks should I use?

 Because there are so many different ones so we’re going to talk about much more than that like battery cycles battery health optimize battery charging.

 First, everything I’m gonna tell you in this article comes straight from the Apple Support website. All information is gathered for your facility from their website.

 How often should I charge my iPhone for how many hours and at what percentage at what point?

They have a full section on batteries and things like that so it’s not something that I made up or anything like that it’s all backed up by Apple so this is really important.

 So the first thing I want to talk about in this article is a big myth and a lot of people still believe in this and trust this which is like how often should I charge my iPhone for how many hours and at what percentage at what point?

 Let me tell you you can charge your iPhone whenever you want okay this is very very important so I will use a lithium-ion battery that’s the technology they use and that allows you to actually charge your iPhone at your will.

 So for how many hours you want like the whole night for example that doesn’t matter you don’t need to charge your iPhone at a specific percentage, no you can charge it at the percentage you want.

 so do it as you will don’t worry about it the way you charge your iPhone will not influence on the battery health or wear it out or anything like that.

  You can charge just as you feel like I want to charge it today for 10 percent tomorrow for 100% like this night.

 I’m gonna leave it plugged in the whole night or maybe I just want to get 20% very quickly before I go out you can charge at your will so this will not affect your battery in any way this is very important.

But what affects your battery is actually the accessories you use so I recommend in everyone recommends that you should use Apple authentic accessories.

 Always use authentic power breaks and authentic cables as well use the ones that come in the box or that you bought in an Apple store or at retailers or something like that but use an authentic one.

 Because if you use authentic accessories that will actually give you a faster charging time and also a more stable current meaning that it will not damage your battery. 

 If you use non-official non-authentic cables and power adapters and things like that it can in fact damage your battery or your fault or something like that.

What charger should I use to charge my iPhone?

 Another thing that is very important and people ask me a lot is what charger should I use to charge my iPhone?

 You can use any charger from Apple that you want the small ones from five watts so that is the very basic one that comes in pretty much all iPhone models.

 You can use of course the most powerful ones that come in the iPhone 11 and 11 Pro max.

 The 18 watts charger can also be used that’s the same one that comes with the new iPad pros or you can even use it.

iPhone can even use the 87 one that comes in big bigger MacBook Pros as well your iPhone can handle it.

 It doesn’t matter because even if it pushes more power through your iPhone it actually uses the computer in the CPU to actually only get the energy it needs.

 So you don’t need to worry about that you can use any part from Apple that you want from five watts to 87 watts that’s not a problem.

 The only good thing is if you have let’s say an iPhone 8 or later or newer actually so an iPhone 8 all the way to the iPhone 11 pro max you can get the benefit of fast charging.

But of course, you’re gonna need a  charger in 18 watts or bigger so if you have an 18 watts charger or bigger you can benefit from fast charging which will get you like 50% of your battery in 30 minutes.

In my tests, it gets even more than that you can get.

This is very cool but keep in mind you need to have an iPhone 8 or later and an 18-watt adapter or later if you don’t know exactly how to check that you can see the information in the box.

 You can see the information in the printed letters very small on the charger.

 A quick note is that the only iPhone that comes in the box with a fast charger is the iPhone 11 Pro and 11 Pro max they come with the 18-watt power adapter in the box.


You don’t need to actually buy anything extra if you want to get fast charging in all other iPhones that are compatible you actually need to buy the adapter and the cable separately but the iPhone 11 pro and 11 pro max already have that in the box with the original accessories.

Optimized Battery Charging 

 Now let’s talk about more technical stuff and I start talking about optimized battery charging.

 This is super cool and a lot of people have that turned on in their settings but they have no idea what it does so if you gave your iPhone is running iOS 13 okay or later depending on when you’re reading this article you can go to settings battery and you can enable optimize battery charging.

 You have to understand that this is a very very important feature and you have to leave it turned on.

 Why let me explain because in order for your iPhone to maintain the battery at 100% while it is plugged in while it is being charged.

 It means that it will wear your battery out so let’s say your charger phone every night like most people do so you go to sleep, plug it in and then you go to sleep and wake up  6 7 8 hours later.

 So it’s gonna be charged at 100% throughout all those hours so throughout 6 like 5 or 4 hours more or less it’s gonna be at 100% and your iPhone is gonna constantly be charged in maintaining that 100% level that for the battery is very very bad.

 Because as I said maintaining your battery at 100% is very bad for a battery it degrades the battery.

 What optimize battery charging does is it will actually keep your iPhone at 80% the 80 percent over hours and hours and hours and just before you wake up it’s gonna use that via machine learning and check your alarm clock and things like that so right before you wake up it’s gonna actually go from 80 to 100 so charge the last twenty percent.

 So with that keeping, your iPhone only charged at 80 percent, not a hundred will actually help your battery life have a bigger lifespan and not degrade not wear out so fast this is what it does.

It keeps your iPhone at 80% it only gives you the 20 plus the 20 extra when you actually need it so this is how it works.

Battery Aging

 Now let’s talk about battery aging more specifically battery health again you can go to settings battery and check your battery health under settings and see what percentage of your battery health your iPhone still has like ninety-five percent, ninety-eight, ninety, eighty-five eighty, seventy-five it depends.

It depends on how old your iPhone is and a lot of people think that you can stop that aging or you can make its age super slow actually you can’t of course there are ways that you can have your battery age a little bit slower than others but you can’t really affect your battery age so much.

Let me explain how it works your battery will start aging so your battery health will start to go down from every cycle that you run through your iPhone.

 So every day that you use your iPhone and then you use the battery and charge it again and use it and charge it again that’s gonna affect your battery health and it’s gonna go down and down and down over time.

 There’s nothing you can do about that you have to understand what a battery cycle is in order to understand battery health.

 As I said the more cycles you use the more your battery health will go down and decrease okay that’s pretty obvious.

 What is actually a battery cycle a lot of people get a misconception about this they think that a battery cycle is when you have your iPhone at 100% and then you use it all the way to zero.

 So from 100 to zero, you use 100% of your battery so you get one cycle that’s true you do get one cycle if you do it like that but also if you have your iPhone that 100% and usage of 50 for example, and then charge it to 100 again and use 50 one more time that’s another cycle.

 One cycle of battery is when you use 100 percent of your battery doesn’t matter how you divide that in one go and two goes in three goes and four goes it doesn’t matter.

 What matters is every time you discharge your battery by a hundred percent no matter how you do that’s one cycle and the more cycles you use so the more you use your iPhone the worse your battery health will be.

 There’s not a simple calculation here for example 50 cycles is 1% or 100 cycles is 2% it’s not like that what matters is if you want your battery health to decrease slower at a slower rate you need to use your iPhone less because you need to use less cycles.

 You can see how much better you use use a little bit less but again you can’t really affect your battery health because you can’t really affect your battery cycle.


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